Saturday, July 26, 2014

Just Start----

"Just start where you are and do what you can do and there will be no stopping you"  Anonymous

Did you ever think about how much time and energy go into deciding to start a new project or trying something different? There always seems to be one reason--or ten--why one should wait until this or that happens first. Always wondering that if I don't research the whole thing first I might get off on the wrong foot and then not know where to go from there. I know, I for one am guilty of this in many decisions in my life, not just artistic decisions.
By the time I finally get down to business and start what I wanted to do, I have probably invested hours into talking myself out of doing it in the first place. What a waste of time. This wasted time could have been used to accomplish what I thought I couldn't do. What if, for a change, one would just "dive in" and start and let it all unfold as it was meant to be, amazed along the way on what you CAN do.
Now, I do feel it is good to research somewhat the subject that you are thinking of, but not obsess about it day after day and then either not even start at all, or begin and wonder what took you so long.
I especially come to this conclusion when I take the time to reflect on things accomplished and wonder why I truly wasted a lot of precious time. But then, on the other hand, was it good to take the time in order to lay the groundwork? I suspect there is good in both approaches.
How do you begin your project? Is it one where you jump in with both feet or is t a thoroughly thought out process before you even start?
In strolling through Seranya Studios Art Boutique and seeing all the amazing works of art my mind often asks those questions.  How did the artist come to the conclusion that this particular work should turn out the way it did? 
Stop in the Boutique and see what you think. This lovely Studio is at 307 Mill Street, Plymouth, WI.
Share with us your approach to accomplishing what you do.

Stay tuned

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Inner Voice

First off this week, as a contributing artist at Seranya, I want to say a big THANK YOU to all who stopped by Seranya Studio Art Boutique during Mill Street days. We had a fabulous time showing you the studio and were thrilled that you took time out of your day to spend it with us.  Please come back again and take it all in as new art and artists are arriving every day. Thanks for checking out our classes and we hope to see many of you taking advantage of this opportunity.
What has been on my mind lately is learning to trust my inner voice. Do you trust that instinct that tells you how a certain piece of art should be completed? Does that voice speak to you? So often when working on a piece of art one wonders when is it finished.
It is at that moment that we often hear a little voice and an inner peaceful feeling when it is done, but we go ahead and listen to our brain chatter instead and continue on sometimes ruining the whole effect.
During an oil painting class I participated in, the teacher told us that when that little voice speaks, quick sign your piece because we all know once it is signed it is complete. How do you know when and how to come to that conclusion? Do we all struggle with that decision? When those around us give us their opinion of how it should be done, do we feel like maybe we should listen (after all, they are the potential buyers of our art) or should we continue to listen to that silent inner self that says it is finished, sign it and move on.
I have begun to listen more and more but still struggle with this when others suggest otherwise.
How do you handle this?  Please share with us.
Stay tuned.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Staying Focused

I have found that if I stay focused on something that I think I can not do, it prohibits me from discovering the things that I can do. In talking with a friend the other day we agreed that it is fun to try something new even if we find we aren't very good at what we accomplish. Instead of staying focused on the fact that I couldn't do that particular thing, it is better to laugh at it, chalk it up to trying and move on to something that I can do.  The fun part is the trying and learning. Then perhaps staying with that new project or dropping it in the nearest "file 13" and going on to the next.
For all you local peeps here in Plymouth, WI area check out Seranya Studios Art Boutique and join us this Saturday as we celebrate our 1st Anniversary during Mill Street Days on the main (Mill) Street. Check out the classes we have scheduled, and have fun discovering something new that you CAN learn and accomplish.  Learning new skills, along with meeting new friends is exciting.
Hope to see you there and once you learn something new, let us know and share the fun you had.

Stay tuned and focus on the Yes, I can do that !!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th

Can it really be the 4th of July already? And what is this 50 degree weather here along the lake? I thought July was fireflies, fireworks and warmth.
As we pause to celebrate our independence, let us take a moment to realize what that independence day means and be thankful for all who have made this a reality.  Thanks to all who have served and do serve in all capacities, with a prayer that God Blesses our troops and our great country. While it isn't perfect, there is no place else I would rather be.
I however you choose to celebrate our freedoms, strive to make it a safe holiday. 
There are all kinds of exciting things for the local peeps around Plymouth, WI in the works for the next weeks. The great Mill Street Days and also the 1st Anniversary of Seranya Studios Art Boutique. It is because of wonderful customers like you that we celebrate this fantastic 1st anniversary on the 12th of July.  Please join us.
Dare to be different--think Art.
Stay safe and God Bless the USA.