Saturday, November 29, 2014

Being Thankful

Hoping that by the time you read this, you will have had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Even among the horrors of the world today, there is much to be thankful for.
I am thankful for family who has my back--
for friends who are always there.
For the eight little feet--
that grace my home with snowy paws.
For a home that is warm and bright
For the Grace of God who stands by my side.
Even though the days are long--
and some we love are already gone.
I am thankful for the time we shared--
the memories we made will live on.
I am thankful for you who have chosen to take your time--
to read the words my heart feels.
It is sometimes in ones deepest sorrows, the sun also shines.

As we prepare for the next month of hustle and bustle for the Christmas season, perhaps a moment to "just breathe" will help --try to simplify and appreciate all that is there for you.
Remember, there are lots of exciting events going on in downtown Plymouth in the coming weeks.
Seranya Studios Art Boutique has their Candlelight Open House on Friday, December 5th from 4-8PM and also Saturday December 6th 10AM-4PM.
Be different and think Art when deciding on presents this year--Art makes a meaningful, thought-out

Stay tuned.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

A time to be thankful

Although we should be thankful for all the wonderful things we have all of the time, it is more than likely at this time of the year it becomes a foremost thought. There is so much to be thankful for.
During this personal transition time of mine I have come to realize what really is important and what I truly treasure the most and give thanks that I had that in my life.
This is the beginning of a "magical" season if we can simplify and not get caught up in the hustle and bustle and stress. Try to remember the real reason behind this season.
For all of you local peeps, check out downtown Plymouth for many exciting events going on throughout the whole downtown and re-think the shopping experience. Do we really want to bump elbows with thousands of people or do we want the warm feeling of shopping local at stores where we actually can interact with the owner and go away with a feeling of peace with the season instead of panic?
I am thankful for all of you who have chosen to read the humble words I write and through the blog I feel like I have gotten to know you a little and consider you friends.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and share the love with family and friends.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Gone from my life, but not from my heart

Due to the passing of my husband David, November 9th, the message for this weeks blog is----
Hold those you love close to your heart--treasure every moment with them--say I love you often.
We will resume posts in a week or so.  Take this time to hug your loved ones and create a beautiful life.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Community of Artists

It is easy to feel like you are all alone as an artist, and sometimes, that feeling is just what you want to have as evidenced by some of the remarks from the last blog.
But, for those times when your spirits could use a lift or you have run out of ideas and just don't know where to turn next, finding and being a part of an artist community fills the other need in you.
One thing I love about Artist communities is that they transcend boundaries, young and old, men, women, rich, poor, none of these things really matter when it comes to being involved in an artist community. The only thing that matters is art and how to present that art to the world for their enjoyment.
In being among your "tribe" your soul can sing and reach new heights. Just last week at Seranya Studios Art Boutique, www.seranya I met one of the artists that belongs to this community. This was the first time I met her and by the end of a few hours we felt as if we were "soul sisters" in so many ways. Often, the "outside" life of the artist also gels with yours. These are truly fulfilling times. This particular artist is Karen Crown and you can see some of her work with her glass beads at Seranya Studios. Her
use of the glass beads is very unique and exciting.
Every artist within this community brings their own special talent, personality and love of all kinds of art to the group. This is a place where you can truly feel "at home" when the rest of the world has turned on its side.
Do you belong to an artist community and if so, can you share with us your thoughts on that feeling of "belonging?"

Stay tuned.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

What do artists do?

While surfing the internet the other day, I found a website called The Working Artist. www.theworkingartist  and the words she wrote rang out loud and clear to me. If this intrigues you, feel free to check it out.

"What do artists do? Artist Crayson Perry recently spoke about a group of schoolchildren who were asked that question by a museum curator. One little girl offered, "Artists are people who sit at Starbucks and eat organic food." But after touring the museum, the curator asked the question again. This time the little girl said, "Artists notice things."
It takes a special kind of person to notice things. And it takes courage to create something from those observations. I believe that the best artists are makers; they notice, they think, they work and they do.
The real art world is a far cry rom how popular culture views us-the slothful drunk, the starving dreamer and the Starbucks-sipping hippie. But being an artist goes beyond those labels into how we view the world and the choices that we make. For making art is not just what artist do, it's who we are."

Do artists really see the world differently? Can an artist take what he/she sees and create a piece of art that allows everyone to see the world in the same way? Or does the artist create the piece and then leave it up to the viewer to interpret in his/her own way?

As I typed that last sentence, I had to laugh because it brings to mind the thought that artists are endlessly curious-are the victims of endless ideas and thoughts. Also, the artist's mind is not only always curious, but always thinking, and always figuring out new ways to incorporate old ideas, combining them with new ideas to accomplish what their mind sees.

What a journey!!!!  How is your artistic journey moving forward?

Stay tuned