Saturday, October 11, 2014

Happiness IS

Happiness is seeing all the wonderful scarecrows that line the Mill Street of downtown Plymouth, WI.
While driving into work Tuesday morning and coming down the hill to turn onto Mill Street, my heart smiled when I saw the scarecrows lining both sides of the street as if to say, "welcome to my town, I know you will like it too."
This task of making and stuffing all of those scarecrows was truly a task of love accomplished by the community and assembled at Seranya Studios Art Boutique. A very loud shout out to Susan Radke who organized this adventure and saw it through. With the support of the whole community and Susan stuffing all the heads for the scarecrows, the mission was completed so that all of us could enjoy them. They were finished in time for the Plymouth High School homecoming this weekend and will line the parade route.
These are the things I love about small town America.
The other merchants on Mill Street also contributed many hours of work into this project and we salute them for their part.
If you can all take a ride down Mill Street and let your heart smile I would greatly recommend it. The downtown area is growing and evolving into a great place to stop,shop,
make new friends, revisit old friends and just take in all the wonder of fall and the feel
of that small town America.
A special thanks to Jackie of Allechant, Gina of Maggie's Closet, Mike Jarvis (Susan's husband) and Kathy Cooney who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make all of this possible.
The excitement in the air in Plymouth for the season makes one wish they were back in high school experiencing the joy of the homecoming weekend.  No matter what your age, you
can still be young at heart and take in all there is to offer.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh--life is good.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun and worthwhile project those scarecrows were! Thank you Plymouth as well! One look at Susan and was there ever a doubt she was having fun?
