Friday, May 2, 2014

Respect for the artist

Recently I took a basket weaving class from one of the fantastic artists at Seranya Studios Art Boutique. I have always admired hand woven baskets, but I would look at it and say to myself," well, after all, it is just a basket." Oh, how that thought has changed, with love, for it being a basket.
The class taught me about the actual work that went into the finished piece of art. Not only the how, but the why, and why not, of basket weaving. I learned respect for all the knowledge that the artist/teacher gathered over the years of her basket weaving career. I learned that not only did it take a great deal of dexterity in my fingers, but great concentration of my mind. I could see and feel all the thoughts that go into the decision of what the basket will look like at its finished stage.
The real lesson? This taught me to honor all the hours of labor, even though it is a labor of love, that goes into that particular basket or any piece of art. Perhaps if we all took the time to explore the how and why of another artist's work we would have a greater understanding, and a renewed sense of awe for each individual . In the process of learning to weave, I also learned more about the artist/teacher as she became more than a teacher, she became a friend. Art is about so many different things, and one of them is the gathering of ones "tribe" and being a part of the whole art experience.
Every piece of art does not appeal to everyone, and that certainly is a good thing. If we all just loved baskets and nothing else, where would that leave all the artists that work in all the varied mediums? We all see things differently and some pieces "speak" to us while others don't, and that is ok.
What matters is that even if it doesn't "speak" to us, it does to others, making it a very valuable work to those that love it.
We as individuals can love and respect the artist, even if not his/her art. It is this mutual honor of other artists, and art, that bind us together in the creative world.
And after all, it isn't just a basket, it is a basket that is an awesome piece of art or perhaps I should say .....heart.
Stay tuned.
P.S. the basket in the picture is my first attempt at this great world of baskets.  I think it will be one of many.


  1. In the famous words of Andy Warhol: " Don't think about making art, just do it! Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make more art!"

  2. Yes Richard, we as artists will make more art.

  3. Fantastic post!! Loved the quote Richard shared also.

  4. Thanks Barbara. Yes, Richard had the exact right quote.

  5. Does that basket look vaguely like a gourd or is that just my imagination...

  6. Well, I guess when "the gourd lady" makes a basket, it could resemble a gourd--or would that be gourdsket???????
