"In everyone's life at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flames by an encounter with another human being. We should be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit"
--Albert Schweitzer
I find this can include the inner fire for one's art and artistic abilities also. There seem to be stretches of time where my mind is a complete blank, and I have to ask myself, 'do you call yourself an artist?'
After struggling so many years with whether I could really qualify as an artist, and then finally thinking I had arrived at the conclusion that perhaps I was, I find this time of complete blankness to be frustrating. What makes this lack of creative juice s happen? Perhaps you can tell me.
Maybe it is a combination of things happening all around us, or, is it just our inner voice saying 'take a break? Don't be so hard on yourself when this happens.' Although that is easier said than done, there is probably a very good reason to rest, assess, and rejuvenate.
I find that when I go too long outside of the circle of my artistic tribe of friends this feeling of inadequacy happens often. I believe
that by being around and absorbing the vibes of excitement of other artists, one's spirit is inspired. Do you find the same thing?
Please share your thoughts, and tell us how you pushed passed the times of indecision. Perhaps just by visiting an art gallery such as Seranya Studios Art Boutique would be the cure? Maybe taking a class in something you never tried before would jump-start the process. Or is it just a time for reflection and regrouping? What, or who, is your inner spirit cheerleader?
Stay tuned.
The "blank" place I do believe can be any one of the reasons you listed. I know, like you, for me, when I'm around other artists or writers, it sure does inspire me to get back to my creativity when I've been lacking in doing it.
ReplyDeleteI do believe you are right Barbara--it is a combination of reasons, and one needs to seek out those of like minds to inspire us. so true.