Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Foundation to Build a Life On

This weekend we celebrate Father's Day.
What is a Father? I am sure each of us has a different viewpoint on that question. My Father was a man of few words, but when he did speak, one learned that it was important to listen. I learned so much more than what words could teach from my Father.
Watching him live his life, and provide for us, taught me the importance of loyalty, honesty, hard work and perseverance. He always did what needed to be done without any expectations of a reward. Sometimes those lessons learned run the deepest. I have used that as a foundation on which I wanted to build my life.
He never told me he loved me, but looking back now I realize that his way of showing that, perhaps meant more than saying the words.
My Dad is in heaven now but I still thank him for that foundation.
How has your Dad contributed to your life? If you care to, please share with us.
I give a huge salute to all the Dad's out there---may God Bless each and every one of you.

Stay tuned.

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