Saturday, June 28, 2014

As I was creating this drawing with the thought of using it as a cover for some note cards, I was struck by how much these words play a part in an artists life.


As an artist we love to create. To ask us not to create would be like asking us not to breathe. We are inspired by so many things that surround us every day and look at the world just a little differently, hoping that in our art we can help you see the world a little clearer.
Every work of art starts out with us believing both in ourselves and in the concept of the dream we see in our mind. We then need to listen to our hearts and that inner voice that says, yes you can.
When the dream becomes an inspiration that turns into an artistic adventure, our heart sings. 
Do we always love the end result? Well, no, but that dream will come again as long as we believe in ourselves, listen to our hearts and love the work we do.
Hope this inspires you to do something you love.
What dream inspires you?

Stay tuned..


  1. Okay, you just inspired me to get my sketch book out again! LOVE what you drew here. I think they will make awesome note cards. I'm working on something "similar" but that is all I can say as it's a secret! I swear there isn't a form of art you can't do! YOU INSPIRE ME!

  2. Oh, that is exciting that you are working on something too--isn't it fun ?
    I am sure there is lots I can't do--but heck it sure is exiting to try, isn't it? Can't wait to see what you have been working on. Glad I could inspire you.

  3. It was always a dream of mine to live on a sailboat.
    I used to write a monthly article for my corporation's newsletter. It was usually "cutting edge technology" kind of thing and how we might apply it to our companies. Then one month I was on the road visiting one of our plants in Cleveland, OH. The newsletter article was due the next day! I am stuck in my hotel room and what had always happened in the past wasn't happening this day; I couldn't think of a thing to write about. Panic was setting in. I had never missed an article in 4 years. I then decided there was only one thing to do: make something up! And thus was born a series of newsletter articles running almost 5 years straight which collectively became known as "Three Sheets To The Wind", a fictitious and fanciful journal of the around the world escapades of the LINDA JANE, a 62 ft. blue water steel hulled ketch, that my wife, Linda Jane Rooker, and I lived on. Dreams do inspire!

    1. Oh gosh, living on a boat isn't all its cracked up to be, although it can be quite an adventure. I was lucky enough to do that for awhile, although the boat was a "stink pot" as the sailboat people liked to call them. Love how out of "desperation" to get something done you came up with a wonderful series of newsletters. Dreams and desperation together can work miracles.

  4. PS: The dream had to remain only a dream. You see, my wife Linda has to take Dramamine just to take a bath! We tried to get her sailing a couple of times but it was not to be. So Three Sheets turned out to be the only alternative! I had an editor and author friend from the First Cavalry read a few "chapters"; he like many of my friends says I should publish it. I think I will sign up for Barbara's class!

    1. That would be great to see you self-publish those stories after taking Barbara's class--am entertaining that thought myself.
