Saturday, August 2, 2014

From my head, heart and hands--to yours.

This has been a favorite thought, and saying, when it comes to my art for a long time now.
Beginning the moment I think (head) of an idea, engage my heart to feel, and then transport the thought and soul of it into my hands to accomplish the work, to the moment that you think (head) you like it, to engaging your heart into the love of it, and feeling it in your hands. This completes the circle--and brings joy to my wold.
To create something that brings happiness to another is my ultimate goal. Every artist has different thoughts and goals when he/she begins their work, and the reasons behind doing what they do are always different. The greatest satisfaction for me is the culmination of the whole process, and my collector's happiness in the end result.
What drives you to your end result? Do you create to create, or do you have an end goal?
Please share your thoughts with us.

"In art the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can imagine"  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stay tuned.

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