Friday, August 8, 2014


This week I would like to deviate a little from mainly an art discussion to a life discussion.
Relationships are so fragile, aren't they? Gosh, sometimes the smallest thing can totally upset one's heart, soul and mind.
I am always reminded of the thought (and I forgot who told me this, but haven't forgotten
the message)that so often when entering a conversation with others we aren't even in the same book, let alone the same page. When I mention a tree what tree comes to your mind? I might be thinking of the beautiful oak tree in the back yard while you are thinking about last year's Christmas tree.
Even though they are both trees our thoughts bring up different feelings about that tree, and those feelings carry over into the rest of the discussion. Now, how can we possible bring that back to center when you are thinking of the wonderful Christmas you had because of your gorgeous tree, and I am thinking about the picnic I had under the oak tree?
Listening with an open heart can bring us a long way to the same book, and by doing so eventually we will agree, or disagree, on the same page. And isn't that what makes life interesting?
Maybe that does carry over into the art world. In working with my art I am thinking of a certain way to accomplish what I want to convey in the piece,and when you are looking at the piece it speaks to you in a totally different, but wonderful way. What I hope my work says is not always what you hear it say--but isn't that awesome in its own way?
We truly are intricate human beings, and that makes us unique in our individualism. That is what also makes each artist's work special.
Their work is a piece of their soul. In closing I would like to share another quote that I particularly love, and forgive me I do not know the author.
"To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks,but a special heart that listens"

 Stay tuned


  1. What an interesting subject.
    I would submit being that good listener that Lynda refers to is in fact doing the right thing. Being a pragmatist, I feel I am always striving to do the right thing. Most of us do. If there was one thing I learned in my professional career it was how to LISTEN to the customer. Husband and wives (assuming we are talking about a man and a woman) are by definition in different books. In fact they can spend their entire lives in different books but find a special celebration when, just for once, they actually find themselves on the same page! We can listen and listen and listen and still come away scratching our heads! The balance of listening and doing is an age old challenge of life. Recognizing when there is someone close to you (or not close to you) that just needs someone to listen to them is indeed a special gift. If only as parents we could be better listeners for and of our children, we might have more people today doing the right thing.

  2. Ah yes, men are from Mars, women are from Venus---I do believe I have read that book and that would definitely be a subject for a whole new discussion Richard. I find with any relationship --any conversation -- both parties react to it differently because of all the previous things that have transpired in their own lives. There have definitely been times where I couldn't believe what actually had just come out of my mouth and once it is out there --well, we can't just delete it. The art of the listening heart is a blessing because so often what I meant to say was not what I said and what you thought you heard and processed came out a whole different way--ahhhh this could be endless. Suffice it to say, I am a work in progress trying better to have a listening heart.
