Saturday, September 13, 2014

Blogging Brain

My blogging brain has burst a bubble and everything in it has
spilled out.
After days of cleaning out my studio, nothing is left, there is
no doubt.
When walking in this morning, I could plainly see, it felt too neat
Could this possibly be my same old retreat?
Don't worry, no fear, it won't be long
before I once again belong.
So that is it for this weeks ditty
There is no more--oh what a pity.
I will return in time, sweet time
But for now I am done with this stupid rhyme.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Anyone want to take a guess on how long the studio will remain

Stay tuned.


  1. Lynda’s studio now stands orderly and neat
    Everything in its place after the whirlwind feat

    What was once, well, could be anywhere
    Is now exactly just over there

    No longer does her reach fumble
    As a paint she grabs without a tumble

    But is this organized fashion all but an illusion
    In an attempt to rid of chaos and confusion

    I ask you to take heed in words of kind
    From none other than the great Albert Einstein:

    “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind,
    of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?”

    Let us have a studio peek
    I give it just one week!


  2. Oh gosh, now how could I ever top that one--great comment Richard and you won't even have to give it a whole week--- Creative minds just can't be tidy--at least not in my studio.
